Ok so here s the background information. My dad has always had a bit of a king complex. He makes us bow down to him when we enter his home (an African thing) he doesn't call me and has only visited me once or twice in 5 years. He expects me to travel and call everytime. Which I have done. But I have three children, a husband, a full time job and a mortgage and I'm starting to find him demanding.
My dad had surgery on his arm on the 5th October (3 weeks ago) He has never been unwell before so I completely understand that he may be feeling a little vulnerable. I called him on the day of the surgery and didn't get through. So I called him the day after, I spoke to him and he expressed his disappointment that I had not called him on the day of the surgery. I apologised and visited him at home a couple days after. He began ranting and telling lies that I hadn t called him in weeks. I ignored it and apologised again and gave him a bottle of wine. I visited him again the following week.
Its now been 3 weeks since his surgery and he has been complaining to my mum about me. She called me and told me that my dad is angry that I haven't called him. I'm feeling quite upset now. I have had children and operations on major organs and never complained when my dad didn't call or visit. Also i have 4 adult siblings that live with my father. Why am i getting so much demands? How do I deal with him
Read more: How to deal with a high maintenance father?