I have been thinking of buckling down getting a second job if I do it right I will have the money down in 3 years and if I move my long standing roommate in with me it will be a total income of around 3000 grand a month is that enough what kind of protection could I give him against ever being evicted not that I would but I fell as though it would ease his mind if he has to cosign in them wanted out could it screw me over even if I still stayed current with the payments would he have any rights to sell my house what would be the deal with that I could get the house payed off faster and easier if I put our rent expenses into the house I checked and could afford a 30 year mortgage with no problems though of course my idea is to put 1200 a month instead of 450 a month with the minumum payment being a sefty met would I need to keep both jobs with a pre tax income of 1800 a month or could I quit my second job after I come up with the down payment making an income of 1200
Read more: https://allmortgage.net/forum/mortgage-cosigner-question.html