We have been together 6 years. Have a 4 year old son and have been living in his grandmother s home for three years. His grandmother passed and away and the house was given to his father who let us stay as long as we pay the real estate taxes. There's no mortgage on this home. We wanted a trampoline and his father said no, we wanted to take off the awning his father said no. Now we want a golden retriever his father said no. I'm a 36 year old ultrasound tech in a hospital and make a good income my fiance is a teacher. We do pretty well. We wanted to discuss purchasing the home from his father so we can be rid of these restrictions and own our home but his father said before we can do that he wants to talk to his son in private about confidential stuff. I think this is obsurd and am ready to flee as I feel threatened and betrayed if he has this conversation behind my back and that we ate a team creating our life together there should be nothing that can't be said in front of both of us. This is causing major problems. My boyfriend tried telling his father we will have the discussion together and his father says it's confidential and nothing to do with me. What are your thoughts and opinions should o be ok with this? I want to leave this family and situation because of this.
Read more: https://allmortgage.net/forum/should-my-finances-father-talk-privately-to-him-about.html