I'm 27 with my partner for 5 years and thinking of starting a family in the next 2 years but I'm worried if I can financially afford it.
I have a degree but have done low wage jobs and am currently in a support worker type role earning nearly min wage partner similar situation and also supports child from previous marriage so he is financially worse then me.
Our housing costs are cheap (council) 1 bed flat and we live in a very cheap area.
If we moved where there's better jobs our housing would triple - and childcare costs would make it way harder - where we live there's barely any good jobs but I have family support.
We could also buy and finish the mortgage on our flat in 5 years so we could live mortgage free (but cramped!)
If we were to have a child I'd work 2-3 days per week, partner full time obvs. But it still doesn't seem enough to even survive. How do other low income parents manage?
I'm in uk so no medical expenses/insurance needed.
Read more: https://allmortgage.net/forum/how-do-low-earners-afford-to-have-children.html