Sunday, April 13, 2014

Depression is engulfing me? What can I do to give life a deeper meaning?

I'm 15 & in a serious depression. Someone please tell me what to do. I don't need a miracle cure but something to make life more bearable. I feel alone like I have no one. Naturally, this question will turn into a vent about how my life sucks, so sorry. Okay, so, I was born in NY where most of my family lives. My dad's brother moved to Florida when I was 6 w/ his family & 5 years later my grandma w/ Alzheimer's disease moved down w/ him. When I was 9 my mom died & the bills and the mortgage was piling up. So, in August '13 my dad decided that we needed to move to Florida. By leaving NY, I left my mom's family and my half-sister (more like a real sis but is my dad's step-daughter). Here, I feel isolated & like a different person. I have so many grievances with my life, it would be better to list them off.
-feel like I've lost my mom again since my old life & house which I grew up with her in are gone
-totally isolated from my mom's family & my sister
-can't see my niece grow up from here (1,000 miles away)
-I feel like my life lacks meaning, I do nothing
-Everyday is same boring routine
-I find joy in almost nothing
-I'm kinda happy outside of the house & feel like I can breath, but when I slide back into normal routine I feel like all I did was temporarily escape my depression
-my life is stagnant, nothing ever changes
-everything feels insignificant and sad
-feel trapped
-Tried to talk to guidance counselor but they only deal w/ scheduling
-Dad doesn't understand

Read more: Depression is engulfing me? What can I do to give life a deeper meaning?