is it legal for a collection agency to buy an old credit card debt that has long past the legal statute of limitations and now report it as a new account opened on my credit report?
i have 3 of these now, and 2 i settled with the original company and paid 1099-c taxes on?
is this legal?
what can i do to get these removed?
i called the 3 major credit reporting services and they said i have to work it out with the debt collectors? This is like blackmail!
i was a victim of a scam by the Dean Morris Law firm in Monroe, LA back in 2008, the firm was the one involved in the property flipping scam, they filed false foreclosure papers on about 2000 homes with various sheriffs departments saying they represented some of the mortgage companies that went defunct in the mortgage crisis, never alerted the homeowners. Then without the homeowners knowing they would bid and buy the property and the homeowners were kicked out on the street! These pieces of *&%*% were never prosecuted! I contacted wells fargo and said an attorney is filing papers in your name they did not care and gave no assistance! In october 2010 Dean Morris tried it again! My home was not in foreclosure, yet i learned a couple of days before the auction it was up for auction! It cost me $18,000.00 to get my home off the auction block in attorney fees so i fell behind on credit cards and about everything else. The statute of limitations is 4 years. Now i have these old debts showing as new debts?
thanks in advance
Added (1). but onmy credit report it shows as "ACCOUNT OPENED" this year, thats my concern, does that restart the clock?
Added (2). just to add… Since the thing with Dean Morris, I HAVE NOT OPENED A SINGLE CREDIT ACCOUNT! Took my grandfathers advice, like he used to say, "if i did not work hard enough to have the money for it, i guess i did not need it that bad":) i been cash only since then and never been happier! :)
Read more: I have old CC debt collection agency bought it and reporting as new opened account? New debt?