Basically my boyfriend didn't buy me a Christmas present, a birthday present or valentines present. Actually I don't think he's ever bought me anything:/
Don't get me wrong I don't give to receive… I give to show appreciation and love.
We have been together for 6 months and in that time all I received was a card and a bunch of cheap flowers from the supermarket on my bday.
He works 55/60 pw so I do understand that he works long and hard. However he never has any money. He has no outgoings as he lives with his mum. So he pays her board and runs his car etc and that's all.
I'm on benefits with 2 children to support, have a disability so I am unable to work, have a mortgage to pay etc etc and it seems I'm constantly lending him money. The small loans of £30 here and there have got up to about £500
I've tried to speak to him but he just says that I'm throwing these things in his face to make him feel bad.
Truth is it's making me feel bad but he doesn't see it:(
I then end up feeling guilty for making it sound like I'm having a go at him.
I don't know what to do… But I have stopped putting my hand in my pocket.
I'm just scared Ive entered into a relationship that is all take and no give. I don't know what to do:(
Read more: Torn… I feel under appreciated?