I'm on SSI/SSD so I only get $700 a month and I have 2 dogs, Everywhere I look the rents are usualy $800 and more ;A; and the 2 places that you can go to the only take only so much for certian people either dont allow dogs, or you have to pay extra and they can only be toy dogs -_-;
I just dont know what to do, i'm with my parents n pay 400 in mortgage and just about the rent of my money goes to necessities (dog food, garbage bags, vets, chiropractor/ect.)
I just dont know what to do, I can really only afford $400 in rent if i'm to be able to pay off the xtra utilities and feed myself, i'm screwed from the way things looked and I dont know what to do.
Added (1). You obviously dont realize how hard it is to get a job and not lose your SSI/SSD…
Even if I got a job I still wouldn't make enough
Added (2). I will admit, my dogs are holding me back from being able to do alot of things. But I just cant bring myself to put em in a no-kill shelter or give them to someone else. No one I know can handle Lilly's energy and adittude, and Princess is sensitive and needs another dog she knows to be with her. Most people just dont have the patients to take care and give what they need. Plus ive been through so much. I just cant part with them unless i'm sure the person that's willing to take her wont give up
Read more: Cant afford the rent anywhere, what to do?