Saturday, April 26, 2014

What is the real difference between Scotland and Iceland financial services?

Noe the firm of Standard and Poor is frequently quoted by Scottish Yes supporters to support their views on independence.

S&Ps latest comments on the financial aspects of a Yes vote maks uncomfortable reading which Tearex and others would like to have been kept away from the ordinary Scottish voter until after the referendum.

It says that in the event of a Yes vote.Scotland would end up with a banking system like Iceland on the eve of the banking crisis of 2008.

Analysts at Standard and Poor said an independent Scotland banking system would parallel that of Iceland in 2008 when Iceland was forced to allow its major banks to fail resulting in billions of pounds stirling to savers and creditors when the Westminster parliament stepped in andhelped to save many local Scottish authorities.

Danny Alexander, Chief finance Officer a fellow Scotsman warned in February that a Yes vote would result in an exodus of financial services to tyhe rest of the United Kingdom.

Now to Bob's question.

Is our money safe in a Scottish bank?
Added (1). Grumpy, I agree.Salmond and Swinney are not informing the Scottish people the full implications of voting for independence.
Standard and Poor is normally quoted from by our pro Scottish independence contributors.

Do you believe they will quote from this report.
Added (2). Butterscotch, The problem with Iceland is that it has lost all financial credibility insomuch that no other country will invest.
the same will happen to Scotland if it went down that route.

Jean, You are correct when you say Salmond does not mention Iceland and Ireland as a benchmark.
Added (3). Lord Britannia, you have summed my question up quiet nicely.Salmond,Swinney and Sturgeon are not being honest with the people of Scotland.

I hope people in Scotland who as yet are un decided take notice of what Standard and Poor who are usually very generous with Swinney and Salmond appear to have 'jumped ship'

With hyper inflation,negative growth and insecure banking it doesn't look very promising for an independent Scotland.

Read more: What is the real difference between Scotland and Iceland financial services?