Monday, May 12, 2014

Any advice on claiming an elderly parent incompetent?

My mother - in- law seems to be aging rapidly. She lost her husband a year ago, and since then things have been down hill. She refuses to shower, she hoards knick knacks, she has spent her entire inheritance by gambling (we are talking hundreds of thousands of dollars here), she is abusive to my husband (her caretaker and son) and I, she refuses treatment for her leg ulcers because she can't "afford" a doctor (she has insurance but gambles regularly), she refuses any sort of psychiatric help, may have neurological damage (in which refuses to acknowledge) due to numerous strokes in the past, and she is planning on mortgaging a house she owns outright to support her gambling habit.

It's getting to a point where we can not let her go on like this and we would like to do something about it. We are tossing around the ideas of claiming her as incompetent and taking over guardianship. But we have a hit a wall. We don't' believe we can afford an attorney to go through with this at the time. What are our options? We do not have much money for an attorney, but My husband and I love his mother deeply and we know something as to be done. This is a long and frustrating process, we could use any advice we can get.
Added (1). We All live in Nevada by the way.

Read more: Any advice on claiming an elderly parent incompetent?