Sunday, May 11, 2014
Should (adult) children get money after a divorce?
My parents split up not long after my18th birthday. I'm 21 now.
They are both professionals and earn a comfortable living. Now my dad has remarried and no surprise to another professional.
Ok, so all's well, i went to their wedding and stuff. Anyhow.
It seems like i got the raw end of the deal.
They divided the assets my dad kept the house. But he gave my mother a lakeside property (worth more than the house) .
To make a long story short she's thinking about selling while I'm thinking of developing the property. She wants a big house in some shitty neighborhood and resents building a house there when my dad and his new wife live a street over.
1. Does my dad's new wife own the house we live in if… Anything happens. Would i be homeless then if stepmom decides to sell or she kicks me out?
2. Should mom have my blessing to sell? I used to fish with grandpa there, picnics, bonfires. I am emotionally attached.
That's all i care about my house and the lakeside property. One day just like my grandpa gave it to my dad, i would like it to give it to my son. Everything else they can keep i could care less about a college tuition, forget buying me a bmw, and stacks of spending money.
I may not be the academic they wanted me to be. I work a deadend job, drive a bike, and train my *** off but i have my own ambitions and vision for the future
Read more: Should (adult) children get money after a divorce?