Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Can I legally collect rent on a home I own but I am not living in?

My Mother passed away when I was young 10 years ago. My biological Father and my Mom were married for 25 years before her passing. My parents owned a home together that was paid off. My Father was abusive so my Mother left me her half of the home. After my Mom passed away my Father kicked me down a flight of stairs and changed the locks on the home leaving me homeless. My name is on the deed of the home with my Father. I have not seen or spoken to my Father in 10 years. My Father has lived in the home mortgage free while I have struggled. I want to go to college but need help financially. My Father can not buy me out of the house and I can not buy him out. The home is in California. My Father leaves the home vacant six months out of the year while he lives in another country. What are the laws in regard to collecting monthly rent money on the home we are both on title for?
Added (1). If he does not agree to renting out a room can I legally collect rent from him for my half of the interest in the home?
Added (2). I will also add I cannot live in the home with him due to his physical abuse nor could anyone else live with him.

Read more: Can I legally collect rent on a home I own but I am not living in?