Basically my fiance bought a Satnav from in December without realising that payments are due every 20 days after your statement is realised (which is every 28 days).
He's been paying them off every month on the 25 after payday, sometimes paying a lot more off than the minimum payment.
Today we have found out that he had been getting charged late payment fees for the past four months due to him paying his bill a couple of days before his statement was realised, instead of after it was realised.
I was wondering if anybody knew how badly this could affect our credit score as we are planning on getting a mortgage in a couple of years and due to it being a complete accident, we are worried about it affecting our chances of getting a Mortgage.
Also he has credit cards and other bills that are always paid on time and mostly get paid back in chunks bigger than the minimum payment.
Read more: Missed 4 catalogue payments, how badly will it affect credit score?