Sunday, June 15, 2014

Why is my mortgage company doing this? Can I do something?

I live in the state of ohio I was about 2month passed due on payments I applied for a loan modification they approved me for a trial period. House payment went down from almost 900 to 398 per month now we got a packet of form that have to signed at notarized I went to local bank and he said that my dad didn't have to sign it since hes not on the loan part just the deed but it we later learned it said he had to right on the form but we sent them in they sent them back we had to do it all over again. Now they keep calling from florida and that not the location that deals with loan mods other location does and we sent papers back in over 4 times already now they call and say we got to signed the mod finalizing papers wich put permanent loan mod in place they tell us to re notarize it and send it back they did not mention anything about a dead line/date but we sent it in priority mail directly from post office now we get a letter that was sent before we even resent the forms in saying they turned us down if we don't get this we loose our home and we are out on the streets they approved us for trial period and said as long as we made those trial period payment on time witch we did we would get approved for permanent mod witch gets spread out for 27 years what do I do about this
Added (1). my mortgtgage company is ocwen loan services

Read more: Why is my mortgage company doing this? Can I do something?