I just can't understand the whole concept of prison!"Hey, let's put all the troubled people who committed crimes together in a building". I don't want to be ignorant and i am really curious about other peoples opinions so i really want to know what the society thinks about this. I remember a girl at my school saying "why don't we just kill all the murderers instead of feeding them and providing them whatever they need". And then i started thinking these people aren't just evil they grew up in f(u)cked up neighborhoods and families and they just went with the flow. But every individual has its reasons and if we talk about a mentally sick people then that's also non of their fault. Do i want someone raping me, or killing me, or robbing me? NO! But i just feel like we tend to blame others for something that isn't really their fault. Also humans are naturally evil and our society and laws are unnatural in a way for us…
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