In the final year of a 6 year relationship that involved helping raise my now 7 year old daughter & a mortgage together, he developed a friendship that grew into a one-on-one working/business partner relationship with a woman. We had many issues with it, especially after he came back from a 2 week business trip a completely different person. Always angry or disinterested. He left us while my daughter & I were out of town, giving us a "heads up" on our last night. Afterwards the woman began following everything I said/did on social media & texting him reports. When I found out I was so upset & uncomfortable that I blocked her. He just found out tonight when I tagged a post with only the people I'm 'Friends' with on FB, which didn't include her. He stated I am "a shitty person" for blocking her & I am "******* with his job" by doing so. He told me he had asked her to spy on me & she was just being a good friend. I feel complying with a request to stalk someone's recently dumped significant other is unscrupulous & disturbing. I will be perfectly courteous in a professional setting, but do not want her to have contact with myself or my daughter otherwise. Honestly, I felt violated when I discovered she was researching my every move as some pro bono gig to make sure I didn't share any details of our relationship. Please weigh in. Maybe I'm in the wrong, or right, or I don't know. Be blunt, I need it.
Read more: Op moral and behavioral issues of others after a relationship ends?