I was offer a Job with a Financial Company and a few days later the offer was retracted. <br> <br>Here are the details. <br> <br>Day after interview, Company called to offer me a position, I accepted (verbally). HR stated an offer would be sent to me in the mail and I was suppose to complete the fallowing paper work and bring it in on my first day. <br> <br>Received offer, Filled (signed) out documents with offer. Along with offer there was a statement I needed to fax in so they could conduct a background check (Faxed it in same day) <br> <br>4 days Prior my first start day they called me and said Due to my Credit report the offer is No longer up. <br> <br>So more info. Lost my job awhile back (3 yrs or so ago) and couldn't find a job that paid enough for me to pay my mortgage and living cost. Ended up using my credit card a lot (building up debt). Time past still couldn't find job so I became self employed (independent Contractor) for about 2 yrs. Didn't really make a lot of money but enough to pay the mortgage and living cost. Credit Card Bills went unpaid. Saving Chapter 7 Bankruptcy for when I 100% need it. <br> <br>Is the job offer retraction legal? I read in a few places stating that once the offer is made on paper they cannot take it back and others say if the hiring process isn't complete they can retract it.
Read more: Employer retracted a job offer, What can I do?