Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Hubby has $$ but I have debt?

When we got married my hubby wanted to still keep finances mostly separate due to business reasons.
The only thing that was joint was the mortgage.
This worked ok until we had kids. We BOTH decided that I should stop working & be a stay at home mum. He was controlling with $ but also unrealistic expecting me to still pay for my car/clothing & haircuts etc
Overtime my credit card/debts increased & despite multiple conversations with him he refused to help/come to a joint agreement re $$
I have suggested I return to work at least part time but I'm struggling to find something.
Recently I discover he has a LOT of $ in his bank account… I can't afford a new bra my credit card is so maxed out. Yet he has $$ in the bank!
What would you think of this?

Read more: Hubby has $$ but I have debt?