Monday, June 8, 2015

What would be considered a fair amount of child support?

Forgive me for my ignorance on this subject, but, My So has enlisted into the navy. He will be going to basic in 3 months. I am pregnant and due in 4 weeks. He said that we can do whatever i am comfortable with, however i don't want to take more than i need. Since this is my first child im not sure of how much i would need. We agreed when i got pregnant that i would take the first 6 months off to take care of our son, then i would finish college and take care of our son while he worked and once I'm out of college we will both be working. We both feel more comfortable if our son is being taken care of by me for the first few years. I don't have a rent or mortgage payment btw if that has anything to do with it.

Read more: What would be considered a fair amount of child support?