Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Should I take this landlord to court?

I gave notice on March 25th, the day our mortgage loan was finalized, to our landlord that we were not renewing the lease.

I gave them notice several times. I talked to the owner, property manager, office manager, wrote letter, emailed that we were moving out on May 31st. They required a 60 day notice.

I live in Ohio. All rent was paid in fulfilling our lease agreement. The condo rental was completely cleaned up and keys returned on June 1. There was an issue with the water bill but that has been resolved.

2 weeks ago I called to check the status of the security deposit and the office manager said she was sending the refund. They do have our new address. According to Ohio law they have 30 days to refund or give itemized statement of deduction. I haven't received anything. No phone calls, no emails, nothing from this landlord. I had a feeling I'd have trouble with him. I asked him several times to put in a front light since the light was over 40 feet high. Several others problems that they never fixed.

What is my next step? I paid over $1700 to the landlord including a pet deposit over $700.

Added (1). I did give over a 60 day notice first verbally on March 25th, letter sent same day, email sent same day. Keys given back June 1st and no itemized statement given. They were given our new address. We are waiting on Monday because of the holiday

Read more: Should I take this landlord to court?