Monday, August 31, 2015

Spousal Income to be Considered in childcare?

I live in Arizona and my Girlfriend has a child from another person who is not in the picture. The child attends daycare and was rejected a scholarship from the State because the income was said to be over the threshold.

However in this case, they factored in my income along with hers which is what put us over that limit. While I do make more than my girlfriend, I pay the majority of bills, mortgage etc so it's not free income that's just laying around.

What is the reasoning that I am factored into this situation. She claims the child on her tax return etc. The child lives with us and I contribute to the child but I am wondering if that's the reason I am to be considered?

All things aside, this question is just about the reasoning why my income as her non-married spouse plays a role in this.

Read more: Spousal Income to be Considered in childcare?