A link on google says it pays for basic needs like housing, food, and clothing. My boyfriend is paying child support every month and never missed it. But he also pays half of the mortgage for the house his ex and the kid live in. Only because he and his ex reached the agreement when they separated that he would still pay the half of the mortgage because that's what the court told him to keep doing if he wants the half of the built-up equity in the end. Now I don't know why he opted to do that esp when he wouldn't get that much money from the sale anyways. And he just wanna use the money for his kid so he should have just made her buy him out and keep his share until his kids needs in the future.
Anyway the agreement supposedly says he only does that until the kid turns 18, which is in few months. He will keep paying the child support until the kid graduates HS next year and anything else he needs. Even after that he and I will help his kid whatever we can.
My question is if he stops paying the mortgage, his ex won't be able to say (legally speaking) that he doesn't wanna pay for the house his kid lives in?
Added (1). To add: his kid is on his insurance so he pays for the kid's medical too.
Added (2). They were never married
Read more: What is Child support supposed to cover?