She wants to buy an iPod 5 she is 15 and I'm 13 my mum and dad don't have enough money because we are in debt we have mortgage to pay and some debts obviously I told her this that my dad has money problems. She has 3 brothers going to work and 1 sister going to work she also has mum and dad who are both getting benefits why doesn't she ask her own family they are the rich ones not me why is she so shy to ask her brothers why me? I don't have money I don't work she is quite shy and very nice and gentle so don't want to get on the wrong side of her how can she be so stubborn knowing we are a small family with short of money, her family can go abroad anytime
There's a picture and it shows how she asked me for money it doesn't seem like a question it's like she's telling me that I have to give her money they way she said you give me money

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My cousins is asking for money?