Monday, June 9, 2014

What does it mean when the mortgage company cancels and discharges a mortgage?

We we're in bankruptcy and went from Chapter 13 to Chapter 7. We surrendered the house last year and just received a document that the mortgage company took the lien off and stated they canceled and discharged said mortgage. Does this mean the gave us the house or what?
Thank you for any information.
Added (1). Reply from the first answer: There are no property taxes owed on the house and since I am disabled, we are exempted from paying taxes. So, I don't think there is a tax lien on the property at all.
Added (2). We gave up the house on April 18, 2013 and moved out May 1, 2013. The Treasurer's office, Assessor's Office, and Auditor's office still has the property listed under our names. Our bankruptcy was discharged back in May 2013. Our bankruptcy is over and done with so I don't think we have an attorney anymore.

Read more: What does it mean when the mortgage company cancels and discharges a mortgage?