Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Who do you contact if a noncustodial parent has moved to another state and is not paying child support?

The biological father of my 7 year old daughter moved from Texas to Colorado last year. There is child support ruling in effect. (They couldn't rule for very much since he rarely held down a job, and when he did, it was only for a couple months. He was ordered to pay approximately $200/month.) So far the Attorney General's Office has been able to collect about $300, and he is around $30,000 in arrears (over due/unpaid.) We are not in contact with each other and he does not have visitation. He was extremely violent, and has been in prison until last year for a near fatal domestic violence beating he gave me. When his prison sentence was up, a relative in Colorado offered him a place to stay. I am aware that the OAG ruling barred him from relocating outside of a neighboring county to Dallas, but I am not relishing the idea of him returning to Texas. I would simply like for the Texas OAG child support ruling to apply to any earnings he may make in Colorado. I am well aware (knowing him) that my daughter will likely be middle age before and if the support is ever paid in full, but even a small portion siphoned would be a help. Who do I contact to begin enforcement or an arrest warrant? Do I contact the Texas or Colorado Attorney General Office? I would love to say a lawyer would be a feasible option, but every penny I earn goes into my mortgage and supporting my daughter, leaving no wiggle room in the bank for legal fees. Any direction for my next step here would help.

Read more: Who do you contact if a noncustodial parent has moved to another state and is not paying child support?