Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Confused about paying off mortgage?

I haven't payed my mortgage payments since march. Its now june… I called the mortgage company and found out my principle balance remaining on the house is only $1,053 dollars. However I learned that since I have been so late on my payments I have a "total delinquent" balance of $2000 and something. I was told that even if i pay off this delinquency balance of over $2000 dollars that i would still owe the principle balance of $1053. This makes no sense to me, as i would assume that the late delinquency payments would go towards the principle balance as well? From what i understand the delinquency balance is basically all the months im late on. So how would i pay those months of march, april.etc. And still owe the principle balance?

Im sorry if im unclear in any way. I really do not understand this situation and am under a lot of stress of course, because i am facing forclosure. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Read more: Confused about paying off mortgage?