Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I hate working in a grocery store?

I work as a cashier from monday to friday in my dad's grocery store. The store is fairly small but considering I haven't got school or college my dad figured I could help him daily. Currently, we haven't got an employer, its just me and my dad.

I'm 17, i do not get paid (I'm not too fussed about that) but i loathe working here. I despise interacting with majority of the customers on a daily basis. It was there that I concluded people suck. People are so inconsiderate. We had people insult and yell at us, people arguing about the prices (on some occasions my dad decreases the prices for them), dealt with rats, etc. Until you work here, you'll never comprehend. I hate having to wake up early daily in the morning from 8am and finishing at 9pm. The area in which the store is located is bad enough as it is. There are kids who will enter and throw stink bombs, kids will egg our shop windows, pull pranks, and there is absolutely nothing to be done.

I guess my dad has it worse. He completely regrets purchasing and signing the lease to this store. He hates it as much as i do; he hasn't a day off for a year and a half. Unfortunately, the fact is until my dad sells the store (which he is in the process of) I'll have to continue working here. We barely bring any money at home because we have to pay for the rent and mortgage, etc. My dad is unable to manage the store all by himself and we cant afford to pay for an employer. Entering the store makes me want to kill myself.

Read more: I hate working in a grocery store?