Sunday, June 22, 2014

How to get over my divided self?

I’m being ripped apart by the dichotomy of my brain. The left and right hemispheres, the duality of humanity.
Everything comes in twos â€" Good / Evil, Happy / Sad, Left / Right, Past / Future, etc.
My upbringing tells me I can only be successful with a good job and a family and loving wife and mortgage, but my real self tells me I don’t actually want that. But inside my raging brain-sac both fight for truth.
I don’t want a safe career and a woman cooking me dinner when I get home with my umbrella and top hat, kiss the kids, wash my hands, sit down to dinner 50’s style. But neither am I happy drinking myself to death and being single. I feel the answer is to go abroad to teach English in some remote South American village in the secret hope I get kidnapped by Coke gangs and suddenly the responsibility is out of my hands. There’s an equal part of me that wants to have a wife and kids and commit even though I know deep down it will send me slowly, surely, quietly, insane.
Moreover it’s the indecision to jump one way or the other that’s really slowly killing me. I can’t take a stand. I can’t commit and live. So I remain in this alcoholic half life of dreamy remembering of the past and fake hope in the future.

Read more: How to get over my divided self?