Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Selling a rental property after divorce?

In our agreement this rental home must be sold after 3 years, doesn't say who does any of the leg work in the decree, just says house needs to be sold, splitting profits if there are any, house needs cleaned, appraised, and needs a realtor, i'm not pressing the issue, my ex is, she wants me to do all the work, appointments and pay for the mortgage when it sits, none of this is explained in the decree. What should i do?

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Can I take mortgage loan on home that I purchased by taking home loan?

Can I take mortgage loan on home that I purchased by taking home loan?

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Studies Finance and want to become a pilot. Advice?

I graduated from University with a Degree in Finance in the US. I have been working for about 1.5 years but really want to become a pilot.

I have always dreamed about being a pilot but wasn't sure about the military and also job security (Planes fly themselves, etc.). It is so much more than that and I always think about it everyday.

Has anyone experienced the same or similar process? What did you do (Go to military, go to school, etc.). I have a house and mortgage, but want to do what it takes to make the move.

Thank you in advance!

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What does non-amortizing soft-second mortgage assist. Means? A housing coalition offers mortgage assist. Said thats what theyd do?

What does non-amortizing soft-second mortgage assist. Means? A housing coalition offers mortgage assist. Said thats what theyd do?

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Is there a mortgage company that will approve anyone?

I can't find a cosigner but would really like to get a home and not keep renting. My credit is ok, but student loans are causing my "debt to payment" ration all screwed up even though my student loans are dealt with via Income Repayment Plan. I don't care about high interest. I just want to find a place that will help me get a home and won't hold my student loans against me. I don't want to be a victim of having a Debt sentence.

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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Is this right or what options can I take?

My cousins were taken away from their parents. Due to both parents doing drugs and there's a high risk of it being permanent removal if they can't get their **** together (of course). The main point is no one in the family could take them and we want to keep them in the family. We reached out to the CPS caseworker and told them straight up that I was 20 years old but I do own a car, make mortgage payments and have a full time job. That being said if i could take the kids if there was any assistance I could receive. I told them if not then it was a deal breaker and nothing could be done (i love the kids but i can't afford it) Cps told me they could work around the age as long as i had a home to provide to keep them in the family. CPS then came to my home and advised me they would provide kinship assistance, daycare and food stamps. They said i would need to complete foster care classes to get the assistance. She then came back and said the director of the foster care program misunderstood and I can't receive any assistance. She said she will request the parents to pay child support and daycare. The parents haven't worked in over a year and i probably won't get anything. Is there anything I can do?

Read more: Is this right or what options can I take?

I have a question about auctions?

After thinking about the expenses of mortgages and building a home, I have decided to buy a house from an auction and fix the house up myself. But I have so many about auctions such as:

1.) What else do I have to pay for other than the price and repairs of the house?

2.) Do I have to pay the total estimated debt?

3.) The only thing I understand about property taxes is that you pay for them each year. Where can I find help to understand how much money I will owe in property taxes for the house?

4.) The buyer earns the deed after he buys the house. So is an attorney really necessary to buy a house from an auction? If so, can I get an attorney after I buy the home? (Incase the occupants refuse to move out.)

5.) The house is in a different state. What if I decide not to move into the state yet? Can I still pay the bills of the house?

6.) I'm afraid that there are many more things don't tell you when it comes to buying their homes? Is there anymore downsides to this I should know about?

Straight up answers only please! Thank you!

Read more: I have a question about auctions?

Monday, October 29, 2018

Saturday, October 27, 2018

If I have a mortgage in Jamaica will it impact my mortgage chances In the UK?

If I have a mortgage in Jamaica will it impact my mortgage chances In the UK?

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Joint tenant of survivorship but not on the mortgage?

What happens if I'm on the deed with my father as joint tenants of survivorship, but not on the mortgage, and he passes away?

Do I owe the rest of his mortgage (what isn't paid off yet)? Does the mortgage lender have the right to take my property? What happens exactly?

Which would be better in this situation? To be on the mortgage or off it? I'm planning on selling the house or renting it out.

I live in California.

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Thursday, October 25, 2018

USA property taxes, inheritance?

If I inherit a property from a parent, sell that property and pay off any existing mortgage, then use that lump sum of money to purchase a property paid off in another state, all within the same year - what would I owe in taxes?

I'm in California and google says we don't have inheritance tax but I'm just making sure. I'm worried if I sell the property and purchase another property it'll skyrocket my income tax bracket for that year and I will end up paying double.

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Name is on deed not mortgage, what happens when he passes away?

My name is on the house deed along with my father's. Its just us two. I'm wondering what happens when he passes. I'm not on the mortgage, just the deed. From what I've researched, this means I own half the house? So what does that mean for the lender? Does that mean Id be forced to sell the property? Or can I rent it out and continue the same monthly mortgage payments? Would I need to be on the actual mortgage with my dad in order to rent it out?

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Renting out inherited home, will mortgage lender have issue with that?

If I inherit a home from my parent, my name is on the house, and I move out, I find tenants and rent out the property and resume the mortgage payments. Do I need to notify the mortgage lender that I intend to rent it out or can I just go ahead and do it?
Added (1). I'm in the US

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Can I be kicked out of my home if my name is on mortgage, but I signed deed over 9 years ago to my fiancee? I have no where else to go? - 1

Not that I question the difference btwn Deed & Motgage, but I'm having a hard time saving enough for a new place. I'm in state of NY. It was my ex, fiancee of 17 yrs that I bought house with. I made classic mistake & spent everything I earned on extravagant gifts/household items for family & pets so now I come out a bum. I'd rather save for a decent place, stay while I look. Also, I'm Godmom to her young Grandson who is Very close to me (due to fact I spent literally ALL time not at work with him on my hip, was in birth rm, co-raised him as we shared a bed so on most nights he slept with us while his Mom worked through college) so on many levels I struggle to just move on. Is there common law or any rights I have to stay here even though I have no proof what I've contributed except the $20,000 I made for escrow fees. She blows up with rage every time I say if she took my name off Mortgage, I could get a loan for down payment. She has paid mortgage directly but I've contributed to other property bills, covered almost any food or household costs which amounted to over $1,000/mo. Anyway- which is appx. 1/2 the mortgage now. There were times I needed help, but mostly I held down a lot besides mortgage. I already sacrificed my fertile yrs thinking we'd have a baby. Everything isn't fair in life, but I'm not just some tenant that won't move out. We've spent every holiday together, vacation to family. I don't want to hire lawyer to answer this cause I need savings for new home.

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Can I be kicked out of my home if my name is on mortgage, but I signed deed over 9 years ago to my fiancee? I have no where else to go?

Can I be kicked out of my home if my name is on mortgage, but I signed deed over 9 years ago to my fiancee? I have no where else to go?

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Monday, October 22, 2018

How would I change the For. Next statements to Do. Loop statements, VISUAL BASIC?

Private Sub frmMain_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
' Fill list box with rates and select 3.0 rate.

For dblRates As Double = 2 To 7 Step 0.5
Next dblRates
lstRates.SelectedItem = "3.0"

End Sub

Private Sub btnCalc_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalc.Click
' Display the monthly mortgage payment.

Dim intPrincipal As Integer
Dim dblRate As Double
Dim dblPay As Double

Integer.TryParse(txtPrincipal.Text, intPrincipal)
Double.TryParse(lstRates.SelectedItem.To… DblRate)
dblRate = dblRate / 100

lblPay.Text = String.Empty
For intTerm As Integer = 15 To 30 Step 5
dblPay = -Financial.Pmt(dblRate / 12,
intTerm * 12, intPrincipal)
lblPay.Text = lblPay.Text & intTerm.ToString &
" years: " & dblPay.ToString("C2") &
Next intTerm
End Sub

Read more: How would I change the For. Next statements to Do. Loop statements, VISUAL BASIC?

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Short sale benefits who?

Scenario is a bank bid $91,000 on a home they foreclosed on. That was the amount owed on the mortgage. The owner is listed as a bank in the New York area. We might like to buy this home through a short sale. We contacted the bank and the owner by mail about a short sale. The place is in fair to good shape and no way they can eventually list it and get what they were owed. Our buyers agent will attempt to contact them about a short sale. Why would the bank not be interested in a short sale? Why would the owner who has been foreclosed on not desire a short sale as a solution?

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Friday, October 19, 2018

What do I wear for a mortgage appointment in the UK? Do I need to dress formal?

What do I wear for a mortgage appointment in the UK? Do I need to dress formal?

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What are some things you need to know as an adult?

Like cooking, cleaning, how to pay bills, apply for a mortgage, what bills will you have to pay if you live in a house or an apartment in USA?

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Thursday, October 18, 2018

My dad is concerned about the Hubble telescope spying on us?

Really though, is this an actual thing to be worried about or is this just one of my dad's paranoid things?

My dad was diagnosed with some schizophrenia two years ago but he was totally right about the Facebook listening to our conversations through our phones thing.

He's scraped off and blacked out the numbers on all of his credit and debit cards and he only uses indoor ATMs.

He used to keep all of his money in a safe in a covered shed near my grandma's cabin but he stopped when my grandma figured it out and confiscated his money.

She gave it back, but it really changed how dad interacts with the world. They haven't spoken in over a year and a half.

He hasn't worked in years and relies on my little sister and I to support him and pay the mortgage on the family house.

My sister is getting married next year and plans to move to Thailand on a work visa soon. He's really emotionally fragile, so we've yet to break the news to him.

I plan to stick with my dad for the time being, but once I lose some weight on my keto diet I'll probably meet a guy and move away too.

My dad probably isn't functional enough to live on his own and I only make $14,000 a year so I can't support him without my sister.

He's almost 47 but apparently that's too young for most of the assisted living places in our area.

What are my options here, exactly?

Read more: My dad is concerned about the Hubble telescope spying on us?

Are you ready to see your mortgage rate double due to rapidly rising interest rates or?

Most of you I assume own your homes without a mortgage, by having been wise and paid cash for your house?

My question is what the heck were you thinking if you are in a mortgage? If you don't have the cash, don't buy

Read more: Are you ready to see your mortgage rate double due to rapidly rising interest rates or?

What does it mean to refinance your mortgage?

What does it mean to refinance your mortgage?

Read more: What does it mean to refinance your mortgage?

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Two bankruptcies or one for purposes of new mortgage?

I had a chapter 13 bankruptcy converted to a chapter 7, which was discharged three years ago. My house was included in the bankruptcy, but the house sold at foreclosure a few months after the bankruptcy and the deed did not transfer until a year later (two years ago). I'm in a much better financial position and can afford a new house, but my credit union says they consider this two bankruptcies and I have to wait 5 years to apply. Other places, FHA, say I have to wait another year (so 3 years from the deed transfer). Will FHA also consider this scenario as two bankruptcies, thus extending even further the time I have to wait to apply for a new mortgage?

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Monthly payment p on a mortgage varies directly with the amount borrowed B. If the monthly payment on a 30 year mortgage is $5.75 for?

Monthly payment p on a mortgage varies directly with the amount borrowed B. If the monthly payment on a 30 year mortgage is $5.75 for?

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Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Can I reserve new home?

I can't apply for a mortgage until a year, due to past credit issues (I have since reestablished credit). Can I put a deposit down to reserve a home to be built in a community (maybe their later phase) and then apply for the mortgage next year. I will be able to afford it and should have no problem getting the mortgage then. In order words, will a builder build a house in the development without me having applied yet. Worst case, they sell it to someone else.

Read more: Can I reserve new home?

Monday, October 15, 2018

A lawyer made me sign two documents. I felt bullied. Later received a letter asking me if i wanted to sign up for mortgage insurance?

A lawyer made me sign two documents. I felt bullied. Later received a letter asking me if i wanted to sign up for mortgage insurance?

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Can i apply for ei and disability?

EI is income assistance,
i'm not sure if i will get accepted by disability.

When i checked the application it says list the mortgage amount. I live with my mom though. Should i say I pay 300 rent a month?
I'm not able to work phsyically or mentally. Just because I live with my mom doesn't mean i don't need money.

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Do I have to itemize my deductions to file IRS form 8396, mortgage interest credit?

I bought a house at the end of the year so only had one month I could claim interest as a deduction, so the standard deduction was higher. However I used the Mortgage Credit Certificate and have to file a IRS form 8396, but I can't tell if I have to itemize in order to file it or not.

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Saturday, October 13, 2018

Explain to me the advantage of building credit?

I just applied for a credit card and got it approved, my father states that I need to build my credit. I asked him why, and he said i will need to have good credit if I want to buy a house, a car, etc. I asked him, what is the point of building credit if I can just use a debit card to pay all that stuff off instead of using a credit card and then just having to pay the credit card off with cash anyway?

The only benefit I can think of is cash back rewards, and also IF you don't have any money at that time, a credit card can help in that situation.

Which are not really big benefits imo, I'm not planning on every paying a mortgage or buying a house, I'd rather pay rent tbh, can someone advise me, as I'm not understanding why it is so important unless I own my own business.

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How does someone set up a life estate for their spouse?

I own my own home and my spouse doesn't own any part of it. How would I go about setting up a life estate so he can remain in my house if I die before him?

What would happen if my spouse couldn't pay the mortgage or property taxes on the house left for him to remain in?

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Can I own the mortgaged house after my father's death?

My father bought a house under a mortgage. The mortgage is under his name. I live with him.

My question is

Since I'm his son, after my father's death, would I be able to pay the mortgage and own the house eventually?


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Friday, October 12, 2018

Does getting a second job hurt your chances when buying a house?

I'm a nurse that works 40+ hours in 3 days per week. I'm currently in the process of buying a house and the closing date is about a month away. I was offered another part time office job 3 days a week making a little less than nursing. I know that creditors/lenders don't like when people switch jobs in the middle of the process, but what about adding another job? The hours or pay at my nursing job would not change at all. I would just be working 9-5 on my "days off". I know it sounds crazy to do both but compared to what I do now the extra job is easy money. I just don't know if the mortgage lenders would see it that way.

Read more: Does getting a second job hurt your chances when buying a house?

How do I score the best deal in buying a home full in cash?

Is it showing my hand if I let the seller and my RE agent know I plan on buying in cash or is it a better strategy to go along and apply for a mortgage and then pay off the mortgage in full immediately?

Read more: How do I score the best deal in buying a home full in cash?

What does credit score effect when trying to get a mortgage?

What does credit score effect when trying to get a mortgage?
Added (1). So I'm 31, make $60k/yr, have a "good credit score" (700-750), and a decent amount of debt. I'm looking to purchase a house in 2019.

My friend who work in finance says I should focus on paying down my debt. With my credit being good, I'm wanting to focus on saving money for a bigger down payment.

What does your credit score effect when looking for a mortgage? Does it help you with a better interest rate? Bigger principal?

Read more: What does credit score effect when trying to get a mortgage?

Is this a good future plan and is it possible?

So i want to move out of my parents house i'm 20 years old. I have no rent and a SUV and motorcycle already paid off so the only bill i have is insurance. I plan on saving up enough money to buy a cheap house that needs work with cash. The way I see it is that if I have no mortgage and no car payments I could just save my money and actually enjoy life instead of constantly having payments always in the back of my mind. And also ID appreciate some better ways of saving up my money with out putting it in the bank. Thanks

Read more: Is this a good future plan and is it possible?

Thursday, October 11, 2018

I owe 70k on mortgage. Interest rate 4.25 30 year loan. I can refi for a 15 year loan but rate of 4.375. Worth it or not?

Another reason I want a different loan is because i pay an extra $80 a month towards pmi. This is for the life of the loan.

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Name change credit idea? Will this work in UK?

If I change my identity, as in I move address change my name, and setup a new bank account will I be able to start a new credit file? If I ever get asked on applications if I was known by previous names I'll say No, I know this is fraud but I don't care, it will be 6 years till I will have a clean slate as I've got 3 ccjs, if your going to comment telling me I'll get in trouble save yourself the trouble because I'm willing to take the risk, I'm not trying to avoid debts I just want a clean start where I can do things right and get a good credit score because I'm desperate to get a mortgage. Uk responders only

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Change of identity for credit debts?

If I change my identity, as in I move address change my name, and setup a new bank account will I be able to start a new credit file? If I ever get asked on applications if I was known by previous names I'll say No, I know this is fraud but I don't care, it will be 6 years till I will have a clean slate as I've got 3 ccjs, if your going to comment telling me I'll get in trouble save yourself the trouble because I'm willing to take the risk, I'm not trying to avoid debts I just want a clean start where I can do things right and get a good credit score because I'm desperate to get a mortgage.

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Is my partner doing the right thing by me financially?

He's asked me to move in with him because he knows I'm struggling to pay my rent and we want to buy a house together. He wants me to still put aside $400 a week for our house savings ( he will be saving too) but rather then us putting our savings into a joint account, he wants to put it on his mortgage instead ( his home we will be living in) and if we break up, he will give me half back of what I have saved for our house and he's keeping half for rent money for me living at his house. I would prefer to keep his investments and his mortgage separate from our savings and have a joint savings account instead. He said rather then me pay rent to a stranger why not help someone I love? I'm confused. He asked for a prenup and I respect that but why does he want me to put my savings on his mortgage? That's his property separate from me. We're 50yrs old.

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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Is it normal for mortgage subsidies to pay off your taxes by the end of the year?

Part of the closing contract with my house was that the lender or her subsidiary would pay my land taxes by the end of the year through my escrow account. I've already received a deadline notice claiming it was due in september but my realtor, lender and subsidiary reps all tell me this is normal. The problem is the sub is telling me i should expect a payment within october-december but if it's not paid by Jan of next year a lean can be placed on the house.

Is this normal routine? Or is there a way i can speed the process up? Never been a fan of last minute action especially now since my home could be foreclosed if my taxes aren't paid for by next year.

Read more: Is it normal for mortgage subsidies to pay off your taxes by the end of the year?

Will my probate lawyer demand I take money off my house to pay the bills? I'm the co borrower and still am after my father died?

I'm owed money but I waved it so it can go to paying my lawyer. So to be clear this is what's owed.

17400 for my father store rent for 6 months to the owner of the building.

lets say about 7000 to my lawyer. I gave him five thousand but he said he did over ten thousand dollars worth of work. But I said keep the money since I won't really be getting it back.

So its about 2400. I should be able to pay it off in time. But will he demand to take the money out of the house in equity? I can't have the mortgage rewritten or Ill lose the rate I got.
Added (1). Can I pay him back in time?

Read more: Will my probate lawyer demand I take money off my house to pay the bills? I'm the co borrower and still am after my father died?

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

What to write in a Letter of Explanation for a mortgage if I have no derogatory marks?

I'm applying for a loan to purchase my first home. I have no derogatory marks on my credit report and a score that is considered excellent. They have not yet requested a LOX but everything I see online says that people are asked to submit one or even two. I want to have one ready in the case it is requested as to not delay the process but I'm not sure what to write.

I've been at my current address for 12 years. The only other hard inquiry on my report, from 13 months ago is a credit card that I applied for for a $200 signing bonus. That card has no balance. My everyday card is paid in full each month. I'm going to try and get a copy of my report today to see what all previous addresses are listed. Do I just list each address on my report and say "this was my college apartment which I resides at from xx to xx dates while attending xx school" and "this is the home I have resided in for the xx years I have been employed by xx" and "I opened this credit card for the free money they were offering"?

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If I get a personal loan and it is in my savings account for 2-3 months can I use it for the down payment on an fha loan?

If I get a personal loan and it is in my savings account for 2-3 months can I use it for the down payment on an fha loan?

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Monday, October 8, 2018

At what point can flip income count towards qualifying for a residential mortgage?

At what point can flip income count towards qualifying for a residential mortgage?
Added (1). I was asking lender is there a certain number of flips or number of years history doing a certain number of flips for a lender to allow that income to count when qualifying for a residential Conventional mortgage? (Along with other income)

Read more: At what point can flip income count towards qualifying for a residential mortgage?

Question about remortgage valuation?

Currently refurbishing a 70's bungalow.
Its been completely stripped out to a shell, the whole left hand side has been rebuilt and is almost liveable minus the appliances, the right hand side is being extended by 2.5m then we will start rebuilding that side. However we're currently on a variable rate mortgage and want to get onto a cheaper fixed, but at the same time we would like to reportage for a higher amount to help with refurbishment costs, but are slightly concerned that the valuation done will be really low as its not finished and isn't liveable? Is this the case or will they take it with a pinch of salt and see proposed drawings.
Thank you inn advance.

Read more: Question about remortgage valuation?

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Should I consider streamline refinancing?

Just received a call from my mortgage lender saying "You have been selected as a prime candidate for a streamline to reduce your payments". I've verified that it is from my lender and not some other sales company. Is this something to consider? I've owned for just over a year.

Read more: Should I consider streamline refinancing?

When will the mortgage interest go down? What should the feds do?

When will the mortgage interest go down? What should the feds do?

Read more: When will the mortgage interest go down? What should the feds do?

Why is the mortgage interest rate so high?

Why is the mortgage interest rate so high?

Read more: Why is the mortgage interest rate so high?

Friday, October 5, 2018

Can my mortgage company increase my payments without notice?

I bought my home September 2017, the previous owner had a homestead tax credit previous years that ended when she passed away in December of 2016. I, and apparently everyone else involved in the sale, was not aware of it when buying the house so I was undercharged on the initial escrow payment at closing which has now resulted in a significant escrow shortage. I got my annual escrow analysis a week ago (in which I did my own research and discovered the removal of the tax credit) and they said they are increasing my monthly payments by $200 starting next month or I have to pay $1,400 now and a $75 increase in payments to make up for this shortage, both in which I can't manage. I'm a single mother on a budget and I feel like a one month notice is completely unethical. I'm trusting my mortgage company to pay my bills and I feel like since they had known earlier in the year that there was going to be shortage I should have had more notice so I could have planned. Now I have no idea how I'm going to manage this. My loan requires that an escrow account be maintained for the life of the loan so I can't close escrow account with them.

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Will I receive more in Federal tax return when I file in Spring 2019 now that I own a house? Can anyone

This is what really confuses me.closed on my house in December of last year, so technically we will have been in house for full 2018 (1/1/18 - 12/31/18) and mortgage interest + taxes will equal about $16,000. We're going to file jointly, married, collective net income of about $180,000. Everything else remaining the same as past years' returns, we usually receive about $3,000 from our Federal tax return. Now should we expect to receive a lot more back now that we have been in the house for a full year and paid a full year of mortgage interest & taxes? I'm just confused if it's going to be a little more than our normal amount (like when we used to rent, or if it will probably be a lot more. Live in NJ (if this matter)

Thanks so much for any clarity.

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Has my landlord got the mortgage lenders permission to rent?

Has my landlord got the mortgage lenders permission to rent?

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Thursday, October 4, 2018

Need math help with finance?

Kelly and Tim Jarowski plan to refinance their mortgage to obtain a lower interest rate. They will reduce their mortgage payments by $57 a month. Their closing costs for refinancing will be $1,730. How long will it take them to cover the cost of refinancing?

Read more: Need math help with finance?

If I'm unemployed, can I borrow money from my IRA?

Or should I default on my mortgage?

Read more: If I'm unemployed, can I borrow money from my IRA?

Do you need to move in immediately after closing with a FHA loan?

My husband and I had a 10 day vacation planned since last year. However, we bid on a house and got accepted recently. Our closing date is projected to be three days before our vacation. My husband wants to cancel our vacation (and lose the money) because he says we must move in immediately after closing because we have a FHA loan. I have never heard of this and want to move in after vacation. Is he right? Will ask my realtor, but wanted to ask here too.

Read more: Do you need to move in immediately after closing with a FHA loan?

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

How do single, young women and men afford renting an apartment after moving out of their parent's home after graduating high school?

Rents are almost level with an average mortgage payment these days. What is happening and what needs to happen? Thanks!
Added (1). How can a young man and woman afford their own place while working at McDonalds and/or going to school full time?

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Should i pay credit card debt of 15k or let it go to collection?

So I'm staying with my parents after my divorce. My ex husband left me penniless… We have no kids. And all i want to do is save a lot of money and buy my own apartment and etc.

So i make $3k per month (after taxes, healthcare insurance and car insurance). I will be staying with my parents for a while.

My parents suggest that i should invest in an apartment and rent it out. The cost of owning an apartment is 90k to 150k in my area. I can buy it and rent it out to pay for mortgage and making extra income on the side.

But i need the money to save for a down payment or buy the condo cash Instead of getting a mortgage loan, I'm thinking about paying the condo off. So within 3 years i can save 90k-108k to buy the condo.

What should i do! Pay off the credit card debts or just save? The ex husband accumulated debts in the marriage but we have divided in half since i was married to him.

I need some advice. If i don't pay the debts I can save $9k in 3 months by December, but if the make the monthly payment, interest will be pilling up and it will take me forever to pay it off.

Please advice.

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