Friday, July 4, 2014

What can i do about problems 2 years after closing?

we purchased a home (under a mortgage) 2 years ago. It was inspected and everything passed. But come to find out, there was a picture hanging on the wall of the den that the inspector the buyer told her to pass the house and he would give her the picture. She passed the house, now we are having nothing but problems with the floors swelling, plumbing is messed up in the house as well as under the house, the a/c unit barely works, and there is a bad roach infestation! What can we do to have everything taken care of?

i live in georgia and was going to call the bank monday morning to see if they would do anything. But these are on-going issues that i feel had to be there before we even closed on the house.

Read more: What can i do about problems 2 years after closing?