Sunday, September 14, 2014

What are my chances of getting approved for a mortgage loan likely?

I am 27 and interested in buying a home for the first time through FHA. I gross $3k per month, working 2 full time jobs, I have been with job A for 4 years and Job B for 8 months. I have 2 lines of credit both maintained under 30% for a year ($1000 total debt) perfect payments, no collections. No other loans or debts of any kind. Only 1.5 years of credit history. $1k savings in bank, a 3.5% down payment and a 660 credit. Do I have a good chance of getting approved or should I not waste my time. Thanks for your advice!
Added (1). I am trying to get a loan for around 80-120k

Read more: What are my chances of getting approved for a mortgage loan likely?