Sunday, May 24, 2015

I drive a better car than my supervisor and manager…is this a problem?

Be honest, can it be a problem? I drive a better car than most people in my company. My company is fortune 500 and I drive a jaguar which is crazy since I have just joined the work force after university graduation.

I am young and drive a jag where as my boss drives a truck and his manager drives a mitsubishi.

I can afford a car like this because I still live with my parents / no mortgage.
Added (1). Some of the answers can reflect how my boss may think. I personally feel like who cares what anyone else drives… They saved / bought it / wanted it. They spent their money and what THEY want… Not about what others think they should buy.

Anyways, Im not ganna hold my self back on getting what I want because of this bullshit jealousy you guys have. I am ganna do my job, get paid and spend my money the way I want.

A have a simple, confident attitude with skills that deliver.

Read more: I drive a better car than my supervisor and manager…is this a problem?