Saturday, November 21, 2015

Division of assets divorce canada?

So I'm trying to divorce my wife that I separated from 4 years ago. She made it impossible for me to live in our 2 bedroom house because her boyfriend was always over and our 2nd bedroom she used as a daycare nap room for her business.
I would like to get a divorce but I'm not sure how the debts and assets will be split. We had a house together costing $140,000, a line of credit in just her name fully racked up at $20,000 and a car that was owing $30,000 but we paid it down to $15,000. Now while we live together I paid down some of those debts myself. For example I myself paid at least $11,000 on the house, $5,000 on the car but stopped paying after I left. How would the remaining debts be divided? Sell everything and split the debts? But she refuses to sell anything. Does that mean she has to pay me out if she wants to keep the house and car?
Added (1). And please, don't tell me to get a lawyer. My lawyer is telling me to file a divorce and thinks that because of her refusal to sell the property, she is unable to force me to make payments on the leases on said property. As for the line of credit being racked up, the items that was bought with the line of credit is still in her possession.
Added (2). BTW we were only married for 1 year. I have bank records of the transfers from my into another account where our mortgage was paid.

Read more: Division of assets divorce canada?