Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Is it too early for me to start applying for a new job?

I recently graduated college with a degree in finance and was hired by a credit union as a teller. I don't really like my job and for the amount of work, responsibility and stress I think its not worth it. There are new jobs appearing outside of the company that I qualify for however I was hired 3 months ago so would it look bad to my potential employer that I am applying for this job after only staying 3 months at my current job? I am not sure if I should be more patient a friend of mine from the loan department told me they were thinking of opening an entry level position and she would put a word in for me. I don't see myself being a branch manager so I know the teller route is not for me but loans is something I might consider. The job I am looking into is a mortgage broker company who is hiring entry level loan processors.

Read more: Is it too early for me to start applying for a new job?