Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Everyone has a better life than me?

First, I would like to say that telling me to appreciate how my life is because others are worse off is a bad idea. I am aware of that. But people don't look at things comparatively to make themselves feel better. If you win $100, your friend wins $10, and your other friend wins $1000, chances are you're going to be jealous of the $1000.

Back to me. People around me are always more confident than me. They have more friends than me, actual, close friends, and people like them. I have few friends, and those who are my friends aren't close ones. They'd rather be with others than be with me.

My family doesn't have a lot of money. Living in New York City, everyone around me, and I mean everyone, has an upper-middle class family, making at least $150,000 a year in household income, usually much more. Whereas my family can barely afford all the taxes, the house mortgage, and debt as it is.

My family is always fighting and arguing. My parents want a divorce, I know it, but we can't sustain ourselves with a divorce. They always fight, and they take their anger out me and my sister, who take our anger out on each other, making my parents more angry, etc.

I always see people with their friends buying food and stuff, or their vacation photos with their family and how loving and happy everyone is. And here I am, with few friends, unable to buy a decent lunch everyday, never having went on a vacation, and having a family full of discontent and discord.

Read more: Everyone has a better life than me?