Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Middle Class and Manufacturing?

"The middle class is shrinking because we no longer have a strong manufacturing base"…

This is the realities.

Manufacturing is not a Middle Class Job.
Its a Working class job.
Its poor.
That's what kind of a job it is.

Its a No Skills, No Qualification job, where the people who work those jobs are treated liks sh!t, have no authority, are subservient to All levels of Management including the Foreman.
Are poorly paid.

And work in nasty, unsanitary, unsafe, unprofessional, hot, horrendous conditions.

You wont be middle class by working a
sh!t job like that.

I'm sorry.
That's how it is.

Middle class Jobs are the kinds of people that are behind the desk when you go to the bank and want to take out a mortgage, or buy stocks or bonds, or open an account or open a savings account.

The kinds of people that sell you a house.
The kinds of people that they call the "Manager" at an apartment complex.

The Kinds of people over at Blue Cross and Blue Shield, when you buy Insurance.

The people that are teaching your kids.

The people that are giving out Flu Vaccines.

That's middle Class.
Added (1). Between $50,000 and $200,000 a year

Read more: The Middle Class and Manufacturing?