Sunday, February 11, 2018

Why don't the American people and new immigrants to the USA oppose employed at will contracts?

Call me a social or a Liberal Democrat, but maybe now with hindsight it was best that I never got there (and a possible disaster if I did), as I would never ever accept working under those terms and conditions that you have zero job security, stability, and above all, can just be kicked out of a job for absolutely no reason at all, with no legal redress, protections, rights, entitlements, or employment tribunals (labour courts) to bring a case to.

I enjoy permanent and protected employment in NL and how can anyone plan for the future, get a mortgage or start a family, if the employment relationship is so tenuous, and you can just be put out of a job at anytime, especially if you are over 40. You just merely live from month to month on every payday with no certainty of it you will still be in a job in four weeks time.

I also went into HR to help protect, safeguard the rights of and back up the interests of the employees, not management.

I'm pro capitalism, but it must have a certain element of control, rules of the game to help regulate and make it accountable, and above all, that the default position of the US government should be to take the side of the employee and not the employer.

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