Sunday, April 8, 2018

Don't know what to do about this bad family situation?

I'm 19 and live with my three brothers,21-26 and our parents. Ok so my dad doesn't work and hadn't for years and my mom doesn't make that much money. They are 60 and 54. Our mortgage is around 2200 a month. My oldest brother had good credit and bought this house for my mom because she wanted a bigger house and that was birthday gift to her in a way. So now, we all have jobs and my brother that's 24 says he thinks it's time for us leave and be on our own since we're all grown men now. It happened after an argument in the house about money issues. I said it's fine by me even mudt give me 3 months I'll be out by June on my 20yh birthday. Even though I honestly would rather save my
money than look for an apartment. So my oldest brother is angry because he feels betrayed because he doesn't make over 2200 a month. My brother that's 24had the best job but he's going to move out. My mom is upset my dad and brother that's 21 seems indiffetrnf. I'm acting as if I don't care but feels it's not right to leave my oldest brother and mom to pay for this alone and plus I'll struggle more but hey that's life tight? I don't know how to feel? Is he selfish?

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