Thursday, May 29, 2014

Forclosure only has quitclaim deeds in its history. Should I be worried?

I am looking to buy a foreclosure through an auction site for houses. The history in the county appraisers records shows only two things, one being a QUITCLAIM DEED dated 1967 between estate of some deceseased guy and the lady who owned it from them to until around 2010. The document also says she QUITCLAIM DEEDED it to herself under a different last name (I think). After that there is no record of the 2010 sale except the tax records show a CER OF SALE in 2010 and REDEEMED right after (meaning it sold) plus the person paying taxes changed.

Anyway, the latest is a CERT OF TITLE from the bank I assume the 2010 lady got a mortgage through, specifically:


Anyway the auction says they will give a "special warranty deed" and offer free title insurance I believe.

Should I be worried that the only other thing besides the 1 CERT OF SALE in 2012 is two old QUITCLAIM DEEDS, one dating back to 1967?

Or will the insurance + Special deed warranty be OK and I am not going to loose the property or something?

In theory couldn't someone pre-67 still owe money on the property via an old LIEN and they could come after me? How would I even check this if the dates only go back to 67? With no information in between including none about the 2010 sale (nothing was transferred). I assume because the bank had a loan out on it.

Thanks for any insight. First time buyer.
Added (1). house is located in FL.

Read more: Forclosure only has quitclaim deeds in its history. Should I be worried?