Saturday, July 12, 2014

Should I just overdose on caffeine tablets?

I meet the criteria of worthless in all of these ways:
1. Not having a job.
2. Living with my parents past 21.
3. Having less than 2 grand in my checking.
4. Being on social security.
5. Paying only 350 for rent and paying the rent to my parents house.
6. Not having a car.
7. Not having insurance.
8. Not paying for service bills.
9. Not paying taxes.
10. Not going to college.
11. Being diagnoses aspergers and put in the trash bin.
12. Not holding an actual full mortgage.
13. Not buying food.
14. Not cleaning or cooking.
15. Not helping around enough.
16. Being a lazy good for nothing.
17. No one would ever be in a relationship with a loser in this criteria.
18. Possible fraud which could hold me liable of prison because of my dad's business (OOPS) (You're not supposed to have bio-medical equipment).
19. Constantly escape from reality with a computer or a smart phone.
20. When I go out to a casual meeting (non-work related) no one wants me there and everyone calls me failure.
21. You can tell I'm immature (about as mature and developed as a child).
22. Vocabulary of a child so basically profoundly retarded.
23. People always insult me in public.
24. Am forced on psych medications or else be committed.
My dad says I do work in the bio-medical field. He is a good for nothing like me and I've heard coworkers say behind our back that our work is crap. I should just probably kill myself like a wimp. I'm not competent at anything. I'm so ******* pathetic.

Read more: Should I just overdose on caffeine tablets?