Thursday, June 25, 2015

How come some people Really can't handle money?

How hard can it be, every time I see people trying to get lower monthly mortgage payment, only to end up paying a lot more overal, my mind is just boggled.
And that's just a minor thing, it's not necessarily bad, but what do they do with the money they ''save''? Spend it on unneeded crap! Like cigarretes, or more expensive food… Also: When people notice after a time of trouble, say, a recession etc… And things are getting better, they immediatly start spending a lot more, and not even investing or anything, no, instead, the money is going to, again, useless upgraded versions of things they already have. Then there's the more extreme variant, people winning the lottery, buying a fancy house and car and not realizing that they can't keep up their lifestyle for more than a few years, when they could've made a lot more money by investing it.
I also encountered this: People who, for some weird reason, work for €3 an hour, so about $4 an hour, then say that money doesn't matter to them, and THEN they do want to do assignments/small tasks, for which the pay translates into less than what they earn, per hour! What kind of logic is that? Someone please explain.
Although, I guess if you're dumb enough to not get a proper education in the first place, it doesn't really surprise me that you're working for $4 an hour, but I was also talking about teenagers working when they're still at High School.

Read more: How come some people Really can't handle money?