Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Should I stay at a job I hate just so that I can get a mortgage?

I'm 25, have a good job but I hate it. I work 11 hours a day, and often don't get a free weekend.

I resigned to follow my passion to work on starting my own design business. A risk that I don't know will pay off. My employers really want me to stay, and keep asking me if I will reconsider.

I am having second thoughts. My family have said that they will support me whilst I have no income, but I don't want to be a burden. If I leave my job, I have rent to pay and may not ever be able to get a mortgage again.

I have a large deposit and would be eligible to get a mortgage. I have been renting for 3 years and really need my own space.

Any advice?

Read more: Should I stay at a job I hate just so that I can get a mortgage?