Thursday, September 10, 2015

Determine the financial net worth based on the given?

From the following information determine the financial net worth:

-Checking account balance $ 1,000
-Value of stocks & bonds $ 50,000
-Market value of house $ 400,000
-Current value of car $ 15,000
-Home mortgage balance $ 350,000
-Car loan balance $ 5,000
-Current credit card balance $ 15,000
-Monthly income $ 5,000
-Monthly expenses $ 3,500

P.S. Apparently, the correct answer is a net worth of $96,000. How? I can't seem to figure this out after I've calculated all my assets with the debts subtracted.

Basically, what are the assets and what are the debts?

Read more: Determine the financial net worth based on the given?