Saturday, September 19, 2015

Should I feel this way with my husband?

I love my husband. We have had our ups and downs When we met, we were both broke. Then his mom died and he inherited millions. He changed and likes the finer things in life. I am still a really simple person. I would be okay with making 24,000 a year and living in that shitty apartment we has 9 years ago.

But my husband always gets upset when I talk about things I want to do like travel, get in shape and today he said to me "don't you want to make money, and actually pay some bills?".

I don't make enough to even cover one fourth our mortgage. He chose to move us into a house, get really nice cars and things that he knew I couldn't afford.

But Now i just feel like complete ****. I feel like maybe he would be better off with a woman who is on his financial level because I can't do the things he likes and I don't have the same money motivation he does. He's made a lot of money off his investments from the money he inherited.

And when we fight, he always throws the money in my face. I just feel really bad, like maybe if I got a second job it would make him feel better but then I make maybe 40000 in a year?

I don't know how to talk to him about this? Because it hurts my feelings and I just feel like ****, because I don't make anywhere near what he does. I make enough to survive and live in a small appartment not the home we live in. Any help on how to talk to him about this?
Added (1). I want him to be happy with me and the money I make. I don't think I'll ever make millions and he said my lack of motivation to want to be wealthy is what bothers him. My lack of motivation to make money. Money doesn't make me happy, being in nature makes me happy. Going tot he gym makes me really happy. Reading a book makes me really happy. I'm just a simple person and he use to be to. We were both broke working hard to live together and survive but then it changed.
Added (2). I have a job lol BTW. I am a makeup artist and have been for 11 years. I love what I do.
Added (3). I also work a retail job doing makeup and have been doing that for 2 years and prior to that I did telemarketing for 5 years.
Added (4). So I have never not worked a day in my life. I've even worked 3 jobs when I first met my husband. I then made enough to cut it down to two jobs.

Read more: Should I feel this way with my husband?