Saturday, January 23, 2016

Exercise for Liberals: Type one sentence explaining one thing 0bama did you don't agree with?

Exercise for Liberals: Type one sentence explaining one thing 0bama did you don't agree with?
Added (1). I think Bush should have stopped Subprime Mortgage loans- that destroyed the economy- he was partly at fault for allowing that to continue.
Ted Cruz shouldn't have insulted NY-ers saying all of them are for abortion etc.
Trump shouldn't say bad things about women- even dumb ones.
Added (2). Me and Husband got into a spat the other day- someone made offer on our house- I wanted to accept their offer, he didn't. Nobody agrees on EVERYTHING!
Added (3). I don't like Jeb Bush at all! I'm a conservative and think he's establishment and will continue all the DC corruption- that 0bama grew!

Read more: Exercise for Liberals: Type one sentence explaining one thing 0bama did you don't agree with?