Monday, January 11, 2016

Is it cheaper to buy a house or Mobile Home?

Looking to get my own place. I'm debating on Mobile Home or A house.

Looking for opinions from people with experience in Mobile Homes and Houses.

I make about 1300 a month.

The house price range is 100k

The Mobile home price range is 16k

-1 person that doesnt use much electricity
- Mobile Home Lot rent is 560 a month not including utilities
- Mortgage would be about 600-700 for a house not including utilities
- Mortgage for a Mobile Home is about 150(My estimate by Zillow)
- A down payment i could do for a House and Mobile is about 4k

Whats some thoughts on this from those with experience as a first time home buyer? What is a good route you would say with the info i presented? Condo maybe?
Added (1). Please Rob stop replying. I am not interested in your input
Added (2). JMITW yeah i did the calculations and i plan to be much more frugal than spending money on any and everything. Its all necessities

Read more: Is it cheaper to buy a house or Mobile Home?