Thursday, January 26, 2017

So is nothing George W Bush's fault anymore now that Donald Trump is in the White House?

All the stuff that happened on Obama's watch: $19 trillion national debt, over 18 million Americans unemployed, 50 million Americans on food stamps, race relations have been set back 50 years ago, Has Prices and Oil Prices went up under Obama than it was before he took office, ISIS gained power in Iraq, and Syria, Assad used WMD on his own people, refugee crises from the Middle East, Russia invaded Ukraine, China built their military in the South China Sea making more islands, North Korea has been acting more belligerent than ever. But none of its Obama's fault and it's all Bush's fault, wait now it's Trump's fault because he just took office, right?

Read more: So is nothing George W Bush's fault anymore now that Donald Trump is in the White House?