Thursday, May 18, 2017

Closing on house in a month. Getting temporarily laid off for a couple weeks. Should I be worried about not getting approved for my mortgage?

taking a loan out for 209,000$ . I make 75000$ a year on average and my fiancé makes 50000$. I work construction which as all knows work is off an on. I've haven't been laid off in two years but now talks of lay-offs and hours being cut back are a real scenario. It's been stressful as knowing how strict guidelines can be for getting approved for a mortgage. Here are some details that can help you give me some feedback

- both credit scores over 750
-debt to income ratio is good, net worth is 2,000
-only been laid off once in the past two years
-boss said he can write a letter stating I'll be back to work

Should I really be worrying?

Read more: Closing on house in a month. Getting temporarily laid off for a couple weeks. Should I be worried about not getting approved for my mortgage?