Sunday, December 17, 2017

Why people hate Communism?

I see a lot of hate directed towards communism and communists, and I can't get the reason.
In communism people get free education, free apartments and houses, free medical service. It's the land of opportunity, and everyone is born to the same opportunities.Doesn't matter if your dad is vanished or you grew up in an orphanage - you are not doomed to be homeless or work in mcdonalds, you will live decently and become educated. And capitalism is ultra-right, just like fascism. It has a lot in common. In USA you can die under bridge not being able to afford a doctor, die from starvation, die from cold in winter having no home. I really don't get when people want to be a mortgage slaves, or when people who work at mcdonalds hate USSR that could give them free university education and home.
Added (1). ReptillianWeightlifter, only traitor are being oppreseed.
Added (2). LiberalsAreInsane, this is propaganda by rich people who don't want everything to be taken away from them.
Added (3). Socialism in USSR worked fine, level of life was much higher than in USA. USSR collapsed because of the traitors in the late years.
Added (4). Joe, these are bad rulers, the system itself is utopic. Maybe AI can be trusted to do the work fair. Anyways, I remember USSR. We didn't live fancy, but we were living decently. We had a free house, we were going to other republics once a year on holidays, most of us had cars.
Added (5). Jon, lol, this is funny. There's nut much more freedom in capitalism than than in Communism. You are not free to do drugs, have sex being under 16 or even 18 in some states, drink under 21. You are STILL a slave. With an excemption that you also have to be in a mortgage slavery, and you don't get free education either. So GOV don't help you at all, don't give a sht about you, but you have to obey it. Sounds fair enough, huh?
Added (6). And Jon, your desire to be RICH is DISGUSTING. And communist desire to share is humanistic and is biblical good.
Added (7). I think not having to pay mortage is more important than free press.
And ahaha dude you are so brainwashed! Communist is exactly what equality is about! There are NO classes. In America you are not equal - you have rich that tell you what to do and poor that are homeless. There were no homeless in USSR. WOMEN WERE VOTING IN USSR WHILE YOUR WOMEN COULDN'T EVEN HAVE A JOB. The first women in space was Soviet! Anyway, this sht doesn't matter to serious people. What matters is free uni, free hom

Read more: Why people hate Communism?