Thursday, August 21, 2014

Is there any financial help i can get?

OK, this is a long one because you need to understand my financial situation if anyone can help me.
So i'm 27 i'm currently pregnant with my first child due 27th September, I'm married and live with my husband in our house which we own so we have a monthly mortgage and he is self employed.
My issue is this, I come from a well paid job where i have earned around £20K per year, however, this company will only pay 6 weeks at 90% pay when my maternity will reduce to statuary - £138 per week, almost £900 per month DECREASE in income, and as i've just found out i believe i will also be taxed on this amount.
My husband is self employed, his income is not dependable, his books show good earnings for the past couple of years around £24K but he can go for several weeks with no work which means he does not earn a penny e.g. We can guarantee he will not work for 2 weeks over christmas.
I've has brief look and it seems all we will be entitled to once the baby is born is £20 per week child benefit, we have tried to save as much as we can to cover our monthly bills whilst i am on Maternity which stack up at arounf £1,000 per month - IS there any additional help we might be entitled to at all?

It seems so unfair that a couple who have worked and contributed to the system all their lives and we cannot get any help when we need it the most! :-(

Read more: Is there any financial help i can get?